Tag Archive: manifest

What do you believe in, what are your convictions? What drives you? What are you passionate about? Who are you grateful to know? What are you grateful for experiencing? These are the things to pray on.

My one of a kind art belt buckle. Please enjoy my art as you are inspired by this post.

I like to pray on the positive. I think it helps to have the positive words echo in the universe. For example, when someone is sick, pray for their health not on the illness. I like to give power to the word ‘heath’ as it is the positive and most optimal outcome you wish for this person not ‘sick’.

It’s a simple little change that allows our prayers and meditation to have a deep profound impact on ourselves as we radiate the blessings outward to others. When we use the positive words in our prayers we feel them all day long. When you think of poor Aunt Edna being sick, you carry with you ‘Aunt Edna being sick’ all day.

When you pray on ‘Optimal health for Aunt Edna’ you carry with you ‘health for Aunt Edna’. Such a small change makes worlds of difference.

These positive words are the pull to the attraction blessings because the words we speak stay in our minds, hearts and spirit. When you recall what you prayed for earlier, you think ‘health for Aunt Edna’ and smile and send out more blessings … it goes on and on a domino of blessings … ripples of positive energy. You feel it inside you that you are hopeful and positive in your thoughts and intentions for her recovery.

You can apply this to your prayers, meditations, etc … Each and every one. This is what is called the law of attraction. I use it in my prayers but my small twist is that I feel if I say, ask for, and give thanks for the positive things, then there is always more because positive energy listens to positive energy.

We are strong when we are positive. Weak when we are negative. ‘Poor me’ is not part of who I am. Don’t be this person. Don’t seek prayer to give you blessings from a needy perspective.

If the universe sees you are weak how can it give you strength? You are weak in spirit and cannot carry to the load of blessings. Find strength for yourself so you can have more and more. You must show you are ready and willing to handle the blessings and not throw them away. God will provide. Show the universe you are worthy. You know you are blessed and can handle more blessing… Bring ’em on!

Give thanks, have gratitude and pray with positive inspiration. I have some examples for you:

Sickness > Pray for benevolence in a most optimal health environment.

Financial > Pray for benevolent blessings of abundance. Pray for opportunities and people to come into your life that will help guide you.

Relationship > Pray for a most benevolent love that creates a soul connection. Happiness, joy and abundance flow out of this relationship that is steadfast and stong.

No matter what the situation is, poverty, unfaithfulness, disease, you will find that praying for what you want to have will guide you to positive blessings.

This is not only a blog, but a group initiative to pray and pass on blessings! Read my first post to find out how you can get involved and be part of this mission to spread love:


I baked a cake yesterday. I mixed my batter, poured it in the pan and popped it in the oven. As soon as I closed the door it was done … Like I waved a magic wand! Do you believe me? Of course not.

As with most posts I like to include a little something to look at, usually that I made. Here were my 2010 Christmas cookies 🙂 A challenge to make in Portugal. Note to self – Bring more cookie cutters from NJ 🙂

This applies to our prayers and miracles. Miracles move at the speed of … well, miracles! 🙂 Sometime you are answered right away sometimes they take time.

I can assure you if you pray on something long enough there will be resolve. During your time of prayer you will have obstacles, questions and answers. This process will be leading to the miracles manifesting. We have to go through changes to live the miracle we seek. Just like the cake needs to bake. Changes are happening … liquid turning to fluffy solid … oozy batter becoming yummy cake.

You are becoming what you want by praying for it. You may kick and scream and not understand sometimes. Like physically working out, it hurts when you are out of shape but once you arrive to a healthy body, working out feels awesome. Your spirit is the same…. (which reminds me .. I need to get on that! Thanks Christmas cookies!)

Unfortunately for us, we have worldly desires that guide us to what we think we want, however it may not always be the best. Did you ever hear the phrase ‘Thank God for unanswered prayers?’ I’m sure if you look back on your life so many things have changed what you want to have, be, live like … and some of what you thought you wanted you may be super thankful that you never received. (Word up! I am proof of this.)

You are a constant project for God and the universe. He wants you to be the best you can be. You must sometimes be broken to learn the value of something or learn some other lessons before you are where you want to be. Have faith, because God wants you to be happy and have miracles manifest. Keep believing in yourself, and have faith that anything is possible.

After years and years of praying for what I thought I wanted … boy oh boy it was a lot of praying … One day I was inspired to give up my ‘ideas’ of what I wanted and pray for the most benevolent circumstances to have love, success and happiness. Pure happiness.

My heart knows what makes me happy. In fact, the base of who you as a person are, is your passion and your desires, right? So if I can’t find the words, or if my heart knows better than me what makes me happy, I asked it be delivered… and guess what … it was. In magnificent, glorious abundance. *So Blessed*

No I didn’t hit the mega millions 😉 But I did hit the lottery of life. Only one being out there for me and we were guided to each other. He, in his space was looking for the same. I opened my mind and spirit up to receiving the miracles and blessings as God wanted me to have the happiness I sought … without my specifics attached. The miracles manifested. Now my husband and I have the lives we both sought … It truly is nothing short of amazing.

If you can open your mind to putting what you truly ‘desire’  into your heart and spirit asking for your miracles, they will happen. Don’t be surprised if the miracles are more magnificent than you could have imagined! After all, this is the point … be limitless in what you ask. You will receive. When you ask for *specific blessings you limit yourself. God will work out the details. Focus on the big picture. Happiness? Love? Health? *What I mean about ‘specific’ is asking for  a man/woman with ‘x’ colored hair ‘x’ tall’ in ‘x’ shape with ‘x’ bank account ‘x’ education etc. Just ask for ‘your true love.’

Me and my Prince 🙂

To sum it up I asked > No one fulfilled > I asked why no one was giving me what I wanted > I was told what I was asking for was not good for me > I was redirected through enlightenment to request the bare bones, deepest desire of pure happiness and love.  No expectations, no fine print > Miracles manifested in more abundance than I could have asked for with my prior ‘small minded’ thinking. I brought to me through the divine my blessings. I had to be guided to him and him to me once I gave up the specifics.

The power of prayer is amazing. Pray for you, pray for your loved ones, pray for the world. Blessings Go Round has an initiative of praying on a rosary and passing it on to another person. Would you like to join Blessings Go Round the initiative? If you have gratitude for your blessing or need a little guidance on your path, you will benefit. If today is the day that YOU felt you needed to do something positive for your spirit, maybe it was no coincidence you read this 🙂 Please see this post (link below) to get the details. Ten rosary beads are out and about as soon as someone is done praying on it, and you are on the list, you will be sent a rosary. After you are done, send it to the next person … The power of prayer!


Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my blog. Have a most blessed day!

Enjoy my one of a kind belt buckle as you read my post 🙂

Thank you. That is the one and only prayer that needs to be said. As I mentioned before … Prayer is not about a religion. If nothing else, give thanks for your blessings and say ‘Thank You’ to the universe and to God for blessing you with all of the beautiful things in your life and the problems too.

 If it weren’t for hardships and issues we would not grow or appreciate the happy blessings. All hardships and struggles are unsolved problems. Thank God he gave you the opportunity to figure out a solution and an opportunity to grow because out of difficulties always blooms a new life of opportunity, understanding, change, movement, positive energy and more.

Just take a moment from what ever you are doing and say ‘thank you’. Say it again and again. The more thanks you give the more you will have to be thankful for. Read that last line again. I don’t think you will disagree.

Let the blessings flow.

Maybe today is the day you decide to be a part of something grand. Read my first post and join the Blessings Go Round movement. My personal initiative to spread blessings around the world. Click this link >>>


‘Miracles are nothing less than the manifestation of the best situation that can be achieved when you believe it’s possible.’ ~ Anna Pereira

Happiness is ... experiencing miracles every day. Enjoy my original art belt buckle 🙂

A Personal Interpretation of a Saint

Enjoy my original one of a kind art belt buckle with Mary and Jesus

I know many religions have Christian a roots but are so diverse but have one thing in common, Jesus being the way to salvation and heaven. I don’t study religion and as I said before not a fan of any one school of religion that I personally whole heartedly embrace in which I practice, but consider myself Catholic but more spiritual. I hope you catch my drift 🙂 It’s complicated… Anyway I know many religions who see Jesus as the savior do not accept saints or other ‘idols’ as part of what they worship because Jesus is the top banana and the only way. I agree that Jesus is the way to heaven but I also believe in saints and other important, at one time, mortals that have proven their divine gifts while on this earth as being part of a special circle of divinely blessed folks who are now Saints.

To explain myself, because I have found people who do not believe in saints and find it almost blasphemous to ‘worship’ anyone other than Jesus, here is how I break it down; Jesus is like the President and Saints are like the people directly under him who can get him the message for something specific. I can explain this as if it were a company. Jesus is the CEO and if you are having an issue with getting your products from a company you want to speak to the head of the logistics or warehouse division – because no one is helping you in customer service and the CEO can’t take every call that comes in. Get it? So I pray to certain saints for certain reasons (since they are the head of the division) and they can help to deliver my message or ‘understand’ my issue because it’s their job, so it gets resolved.

Also, I have discussed Mary (Jesus’ mother) with a few people and don’t really understand how some religions see Jesus as ‘the way’ but see Mary as almost a no one or her mother Anne. That kinda blows my mind since it’s Jesus’ mom and grandma, how can they not be holy and divine?

This is just a little brief way I try to explain what the role of a saint is or who they are when people don’t understand what they are, in my own personal way. Kind of basic and not meant to be over though, but by no means to understate the real life miracles and benevolence they have shown during their life on earth.

How are you feeling today? Grateful? Lost? Seeking your purpose? Are you looking for answers of to just spread positives vibes because YOU are so blessed? Would you like to join Blessings Go Round? We would love your energy to be part of the initiative 🙂 So as I always post the link back to my first post, here it is:

 Receive a rosary, pray and pass it on: https://blessingsgoround.wordpress.com/2011/02/23/introduction-to-blessings-go-round-how-to-receive-a-rosary-from-fatima/


Enjoy my art as you read. 'Believe' one of a kind original art belt buckle by Anna Pereira

When I started to really figure out what I wanted in life, I realized I didn’t know what I wanted even more so than before. What I mean by this is, what I thought I wanted and what brought me what I wanted, fundamentally, were two different things. I thought I knew what to look for in a relationship, I had no idea. I thought I knew what success was, again, I had no idea. I thought I knew what happiness was, yet again, had no idea.

Once I started to pray, it was a journey. I began to pray about problems; Why do I have to go through this or that crisis, dilemma or ‘learning experience’. Why me? 

In my next ‘prayer phase’ I started to get inspirations and then began praying for the things I thought I wanted. That lasted a while too… like a few years… Then a momentus shift came. The life I had, had up until that time was one disappointment after another… in events, people and myself for making the wrong choices. I see now that I had to go through those events to get to where I am… But getting back to this ‘shift’… It hit me one day… STOP. Just stop. Stop wanting, stop asking. Too many questions … too many needs…too much trying to make sense. Just be thankful and then the answers will come. Appreciate more. Have gratitude. This was amazing to me. Once I broadened my needs to be something as simple as ‘I just want pure unlimited happiness in my life’ … BOOM! That was it.

The ‘shift’ I experienced allowed me to change the way I prayed. I began to pray for a happy relationship asking for a good, honorable man who loves me completely (and who is easy on the eyes 😉 ). I asked to feel the success that I know I deserve. I asked to be able to manifest joy in myself and other people. I asked for a feeling of calm and comfort as I am guided on my path. I asked for my relationship to be like a ‘team’ that my partner and I work together and help each other to be the best we can be. Do you know what? I have all that and more.

Life is a journey, and for the sake of keeping this short (I can go on and on) I will stop here. Just believe that you can be inspired, live in Joy, Love, Abundance and on the path to fulfillment. Just listen to what you are being told. Stop trying to fill yourself with what you think you want or ideals. Pray and listen. You will find your path. Believe.

If you have been on your personal journey or want to start today it is never too late. Also, consider joining my initiative to pray and pass on a rosary to help spread love and blessings around the world. Believe in the power of prayer. Click the link below to join us. The waiting list has started.


Prayer Works ~ It Doesn’t Have To Be About Religion … So true!

Today I received a report of one account that one of the rosaries has been working already! I know this, you probably know that prayer works but to receive confirmation from someone who is participating in Blessings Go Round, after a week, to feel the miracles, is astonishing and blessed news. I am delighted that I have received such positive news so soon!

I have started my waiting list as well. All 10 rosary beads have been shipped off to their new homes until their temporary custodians are finished and move on to the next person to bring them divine blessings.

Pray for yourself, for loved ones, for the sake of mankind. Pray in gratitude pray for benevolence. Pray for peace, assistance, answers… Prayer, in my opinion, works. You do not need to be a religious person! You can use this as an opportunity to find your path. Just pray.

Join us and receive a rosary, pray and pass it in. You will be a part of this chain of pay it forward energy creating positive shifts in your life as well as others. Trust in prayer, miracles do happen… you must have faith and believe.

Please see my first post on how to be part of Blessings Go Round:


Life is truly beautiful! Please enjoy some of my artwork inspired by my appreciation of my blessings … ‘Life is Beautiful’.


I was thinking this morning of how much I have been through…and I haven’t been through much compared to other’s personal challenges. I have had my share of learning so many lessons and figuring out which paths to take in my journeys. Through prayer and meditation I have helped myself see the path, and through my faith I see how to navigate the path.

Through my faith and trust in God I have learned how to get through so much. I had many dreams and tried so hard to make things happen …. but not to the success that we sometimes set for ourselves … but I reached success none the less.

Throughout the time of going through the process of trying to reach my goals, I was constantly achieving new goals, learning, gaining strength and knowledge, though at the time of struggle, I did not see it that way. But, only through prayer did I find the perseverance to keep going forward. This was my personal self help through faith. I hope you can understand what it is that I mean because to someone who has not faced challenges or set up goals, it would be hard to understand the struggle, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. God was always there and has provided. I prayed and little by little I was led from a dark room to a bright sky with a rainbow and golden sparks raining down. It was amazing. It has been a journey … this was NOT overnight.

I truly am very blessed and the more I pray and give thanks the more I am blessed, the more connected I become so that what I ask for gets delivered to me in God’s time and in His way… But can you imagine KNOWING that all will be done? All will come to you and your loved ones? I live with that feeling everyday. I have a small little place inside me that always keeps me calm and speaks to me telling me it will always be for the best … whatever it is. Do you think I felt this way before I started praying? No Way! Anxiety and daily struggles were commonplace. I still face issues (Last week a branch broke my rear window, yesterday I found out my cat has worms…Gggrrrreeaaat) But the strength I have through prayer allows me to stay positive … not stress out (Well, not like I used to … It used to be the END OF THE WORLD, but not anymore.)

When you reach for help, guidance, answers or just to give thanks, reach for God. He is amazing and I’m telling you, you will have sunny days, but without the rain nothing grows. So will you decide to cry over the rainy days or use that day to get something done inside like clean out your closet? This is what I’m talking about. God helps you to see things differently to give you a clearer path.

Prayer is self help and help for those you love. Trust me because I know for a fact. If nothing else you have God and you can pray for yourself and the ones you love. You will find comfort in knowing you ARE doing something. Be the vessel for blessings to pass through.Yes, you can make the world a better place and help to ease the suffering of the ones you love … you ARE that powerful

Please join us and receive a rosary to pray on, for you and those you love or for the good of the world. How you pray is up to you, but in my eyes all prayers are good and will evoke positive change. Be blessed today and everyday! Please see this post to join us! The waiting list has started —->


Well all 10 rosary bead chains have been claimed and 5 have been mailed out, the other 5 will go out at the end of this week. I am so happy that this initiative to pray and pass on the blessings is being so well received! It is heartwarming and a true testament of faith that people want to improve their own lives as well as those of others – perhaps even of strangers. What a blessing!


Please see my first post. I am beginning my list of who will receive the rosaries once the people who have them now have completed with their time with them.

Even if you do not participate in this initiative, please pray. Right now, pray for the wellbeing of the world, those suffering and those especially in Japan. Being safe in your home, with a bed at night and food at your fingertips, fresh wather and even the luxury of having a bathroom to use, we sometime take forgranted the blessings that surround us. Give thanks.


~~~Have a most Blessed day!~~~


A rosary will go to PA & NJ … Looks like I have 4 remaining to distribute 🙂 It is a wonderful feeling that so many people want to make a positive change for themselves as well as others in the world through prayer and faith. It is so easy to be happy and blessing I wish everyone can see this …. and put into practice gratitude and keep on receiving blessing.

Please join us in ‘Blessings Go Round’ My first post has all you need to receive a rosary and be part of this divine and inspiring mission we are on.