Tag Archive: thanks

What do you believe in, what are your convictions? What drives you? What are you passionate about? Who are you grateful to know? What are you grateful for experiencing? These are the things to pray on.

My one of a kind art belt buckle. Please enjoy my art as you are inspired by this post.

I like to pray on the positive. I think it helps to have the positive words echo in the universe. For example, when someone is sick, pray for their health not on the illness. I like to give power to the word ‘heath’ as it is the positive and most optimal outcome you wish for this person not ‘sick’.

It’s a simple little change that allows our prayers and meditation to have a deep profound impact on ourselves as we radiate the blessings outward to others. When we use the positive words in our prayers we feel them all day long. When you think of poor Aunt Edna being sick, you carry with you ‘Aunt Edna being sick’ all day.

When you pray on ‘Optimal health for Aunt Edna’ you carry with you ‘health for Aunt Edna’. Such a small change makes worlds of difference.

These positive words are the pull to the attraction blessings because the words we speak stay in our minds, hearts and spirit. When you recall what you prayed for earlier, you think ‘health for Aunt Edna’ and smile and send out more blessings … it goes on and on a domino of blessings … ripples of positive energy. You feel it inside you that you are hopeful and positive in your thoughts and intentions for her recovery.

You can apply this to your prayers, meditations, etc … Each and every one. This is what is called the law of attraction. I use it in my prayers but my small twist is that I feel if I say, ask for, and give thanks for the positive things, then there is always more because positive energy listens to positive energy.

We are strong when we are positive. Weak when we are negative. ‘Poor me’ is not part of who I am. Don’t be this person. Don’t seek prayer to give you blessings from a needy perspective.

If the universe sees you are weak how can it give you strength? You are weak in spirit and cannot carry to the load of blessings. Find strength for yourself so you can have more and more. You must show you are ready and willing to handle the blessings and not throw them away. God will provide. Show the universe you are worthy. You know you are blessed and can handle more blessing… Bring ’em on!

Give thanks, have gratitude and pray with positive inspiration. I have some examples for you:

Sickness > Pray for benevolence in a most optimal health environment.

Financial > Pray for benevolent blessings of abundance. Pray for opportunities and people to come into your life that will help guide you.

Relationship > Pray for a most benevolent love that creates a soul connection. Happiness, joy and abundance flow out of this relationship that is steadfast and stong.

No matter what the situation is, poverty, unfaithfulness, disease, you will find that praying for what you want to have will guide you to positive blessings.

This is not only a blog, but a group initiative to pray and pass on blessings! Read my first post to find out how you can get involved and be part of this mission to spread love:


Enjoy my one of a kind belt buckle as you read my post 🙂

Thank you. That is the one and only prayer that needs to be said. As I mentioned before … Prayer is not about a religion. If nothing else, give thanks for your blessings and say ‘Thank You’ to the universe and to God for blessing you with all of the beautiful things in your life and the problems too.

 If it weren’t for hardships and issues we would not grow or appreciate the happy blessings. All hardships and struggles are unsolved problems. Thank God he gave you the opportunity to figure out a solution and an opportunity to grow because out of difficulties always blooms a new life of opportunity, understanding, change, movement, positive energy and more.

Just take a moment from what ever you are doing and say ‘thank you’. Say it again and again. The more thanks you give the more you will have to be thankful for. Read that last line again. I don’t think you will disagree.

Let the blessings flow.

Maybe today is the day you decide to be a part of something grand. Read my first post and join the Blessings Go Round movement. My personal initiative to spread blessings around the world. Click this link >>>


I met an Angel … It was an Angelic intercession almost missed …

Enjoy another one of my Art Belt Buckles ... It's obvious where my inspiration comes from 🙂

I met an angel who delivered a message to me one day but didn’t realize it … until two or more years later. Here’s what happened; I used to work at a night club and this guy comes up to me and hands me something. I was very busy and never saw him before or recognized him from that evening. So he comes up to me and hands me something directly into the palm of my hand, I thought it was a tip so I was just like ‘Thanks’ and not to be rude I didn’t look at it right away. When I looked at what the guy gave me it was a little black prayer book and inside was written “Anna time for a career change – JC”  Did you just read that? You get it – right? I didn’t. I was like who the hell is JC and what right does he have to tell me what to do? (Terrible right?) At that time I was so far away from any type of faithfully inspired ritual like prayer or giving thanks or talking to God I didn’t even REALIZE what just happened.

A few years later around 2004, I was on the phone with a girlfriend of mine and we discussed religion and faith and spiritually regularly.  Although at the time I received this prayer book I didn’t know what it meant, I kept it – in my kitchen junk drawer… nice right? BUT I know where it was and it hit me like a hammer when I was talking to her on the phone! ‘OMG I have this book this guy gave me … be right back…’ I retrieved it and opened it. DUH it was SO OBVIOUS! All the hair on my body stood on end… JC; Jesus Christ. Weird right? I know …. Very strange. ‘That guy was an Angel delivering a message’ she said… and I knew it.

By this time I had already started praying several months before and as I flipped through the book I added a few more prayers to my daily routine. Now, I don’t know what I did with that book because I carried it with me everywhere. I think I left it in China on a business trip along with a dress… I need to remember to check the closet and drawers better… LOL. I miss that book. Maybe it was left to inspire someone else?? I would like to think that anyway.

So that’s my story, I was visited by an Angel and my point was, we all have a time when things come into our lives for a reason. I wasn’t ready back then, but when I was, it was waiting… my faith, my belief, my hope, my thanks and my blessings. They all came and will continue to come because I am ready. BTW, the story is true. I wish I still had the prayer book. It blows my mind … I have a few more stories I will post those soon that will blow your mind too.

Have a blessed day! Please join my initiative to spread love and blessings around the world… Read my first post and join us! The waiting list has started… Click this to go to the first post..


Being an artist and entrepreneur with a passion for my art work, fashion and business, trying to make it… was a real struggle. I remember when I felt so alone. I mean REALLY alone. With no one to trust, no one in my personal life to support me … I didn’t know what direction to go in.  I really was in a dismal place. One day (around when I was 31) I was inspired to start praying.

I was always one to fear the hereafter and watched my step to never do ‘real’ wrong, but, to put my total trust and faith into God while I am alive and breathing was a whole different ball game. To look to Him for guidance and my path … that was a true test of my faith.

I was raised Catholic, but do not practice it so I felt kind of strange … at first … but once I started to make prayer a habit, I needed my daily prayer session to make it through the day. That time I had with my rosary was meditative and enlightening. For all the years I had let pass without  prayer and concentrating my energy to manifest divine blessings – as I look back now – was such a wasted time in my life.

I have been lucky, yes. I have lived a life full of many experiences (My accountant says ‘when you write your book I want the first copy.’)  But if I knew back then what I know now and how wonderful and blessed I am, I could have carried this happiness with me on a daily basis instead of suffering for so many years….Why didn’t I do this sooner? Well, I guess you have to go through it to get to it… right?  True… Life IS the process of living… but why not make it the best daily life you can? For yourself … for those in your life … for the sake of the world.

Again, as I mentioned before, the way I pray is a ‘hodge podge’ of Catholic, Spiritually, Universal Divine Love Energy … I can’t really describe it but what I believe and how I feel, feels right with me. In my heart, spirit and soul.

So do it today. Start to pray… In your own way. Make it as simple as ‘Thank You’. That’s a prayer. Have gratitude for your blessings. This is the BEST prayer you can utter. Once you show respect for your blessings, you will be blessed again and again. I know this for sure.

Here is another one of my original works. Enjoy!

I love this inspirational belt buckle! We are all blessed and should be grateful for those blessings. I know I am 🙂



It’s not about religion…it’s about prayer and being thankful.

Get a rosary, pray and send it to the next person.  Join the initiative ‘Blessings Go Round’