Tag Archive: pay it forward

Wet Pants

I received an email from my sister. You may have seen it before something about all the Susie’s in your life? Well I thought it was a cute way of illustrating a point. Give it a read. It’s sweet but the underlying message is significant and shows how you can be an instrument of peace and blessings for others. Have a blessed day!

With open eyes you will always see opportunities to help others. 🙂


Come with me to a third grade classroom….. There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a  puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.. It’s never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they’ll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, ‘Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I’m dead meat.’

He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.

As the teacher is walking toward him, a class mate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy’s lap.

The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, ‘Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!’

Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out….. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else – Susie.
She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. You’ve done enough, you klutz!’

Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, ‘You did that on purpose, didn’t you?’ Susie whispers back, ‘I wet my pants once too.’

May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good..

Remember…..Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Each and
everyone one of us is going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the

This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let’s continue to pray for one another.
 The Prayer:
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where  there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.


This is not only a blog, but a group initiative to pray and pass on blessings! Read my first post to find out how you can get involved and be part of this mission to spread love and blessings:


Welcome to my first post about the travels of the Fatima rosary beads. Ten rosaries have been sent out to people all over the country by requests I received. Each week I hope to bring to you personal experiences of individuals who pray on a Fatima rosary (as part of the Blessings Go Round initiative to make the world a more blessed place through prayer.) I am honored to bring this to you and hope you enjoy reading about real people’s experiences and their spiritual journey with a Fatima rosary. Information is at the bottom of this post on how you can pray on one of the rosaries and pass on to another person. 
I would like to introduce you to from Cat in WI. Some of you may already be familiar with her, knowing her as CatCanPaint.  http://www.etsy.com/shop/catcanpaint I was so honored that Cat was a part of Blessings Go Round the rosary and prayer initiative. Not only because of her deep spiritual beliefs in miracles, but her openness and turning to this opportunity for seeking more guidance as she worked through some complicated issues in her life. Please enjoy viewing her original artwork as you read her story.
 This is Cat. She is radient 🙂
I asked Cat for a brief ‘Who Am I’ bio: I have always loved animals, and because of that became a vegetarian many decades ago. I am in my 50’s, and am experiencing what I would call a “return to who I am” or a “re-discovery” or a genuine understanding of my inner nature, the paths I have taken, and those I have not, and maybe why…
Being a vegetarian, I got little support and felt that my individual efforts didn’t matter much in making changes for the animals. Then in a Rip Van Winkle moment, my oldest daughter announced that she was going vegan, and I was transported back all those decades, feeling those same strong feelings again.
I also dropped dairy and egg from my diet. And much to my total surprise, several serious health conditions that I had cleared up completely, including the pain of osteoarthritis.
So now I am vegan, and somewhat of an armchair activist for the animals. And though I became vegan for ethical reasons, I am learning about the nutritional advantages.
And the veterinarian thing… I had at one time wondered if I had messed up and had missed my calling, but I now realize that this desire sprung from my love and connection to animals, and that the business aspect of such a career would have made working in this capacity impossible for me. At the vet I overheard a conversation about a dog that had to be turned away because the owner could not afford to pay… If I were a veterinarian I could never turn anyone away for lack of money… so had I become one, I would undoubtedly been a bankrupt one…
And, at least for myself, I can see that all the gifts that I was given by God, were all there in the early years… the person that I am today, is who I have always been, though my soul has grown in understanding, and my compassion widened, through all the experiences and trials along the way.
I believe in non-violence, am a great admirer of the writings of Fr. John Dear (Jesuit priest) Here is my favorite quote of Fr. Dear’s:
“If we care for the earth, we must end both corporate greed and extreme poverty. As we make these connections, we will deepen our spiritual understanding of reality and see everything as a spiritual issue, a life-and-death issue. We are not allowed to destroy the Creator’s creation; we are not allowed to wreak such havoc on the earth or on God’s children. We are called to practice nonviolence in every aspect of life.”  ~Fr. John Dear “Put Down Your Sword”
I am also a mother (of five), an artist, and a volunteer raptor handler. I do believe that one day everything will be restored as God created it, and the lion will lie down with the lamb… and I can’t wait for this wonderful day…
Now that you have gotten to know the woman, here is the story of her experience with the Fatima rosary in her own words: 
I have been struggling with what to write… I am currently experiencing a very rough patch in my life right now, very rough, probably the roughest so far… struggling with a lot of things… but the personal details (because it would take a lot of explaining and background) are probably not as significant (to others) as the results of my spiritual discoveries, after receiving the Fatima rosary.
I don’t recall if the tsunami in Japan hit just before I got the rosary or shortly after… but that whole scenario certainly dwarfs my personal troubles… and I cried every time I turned on the TV, powerless too help, other than sending love and prayers to all affected by this disaster…
And some people may wonder how God lets things like this happen, but I do know that all who struggle and suffer are blessed with growth in spirit, and they do find God’s arms wrapping around them. And I was so touched and amazed at the strength of the Japanese people… waiting in line for hours to get food rations without complaining, selflessly helping each other and the ones most in need of attention. There was a Japanese couple highlighted on one of the news programs–they were hurriedly repairing  their damaged home so that they could then move on to help their neighbors…
I remember Anna asking me which rosary I wanted, and I knew that it did not matter, and that any one that she sent would be wonderful. Secretly, I was hoping for the dark blue one, though (I don’t know why, other than I liked the depth of it’s color).
As I opened the package I felt a chill, like a flu-like chill throughout my body. It was very real, and very odd, because I was sitting right by a heating vent in my home that was blowing warm air on me at that very moment.
The rosary was light blue, and beautiful…
I held it in my hands and inspected it… Inscribed on the little medallion was “terra de fatima”… earth of Fatima…
My sick kitty was sleeping at the windowsill, and I pressed the earth of Fatima on the bare skin of his back where the fur had been shaved off months before, but had not grown back (the place where his pain patch had been placed after a lifesaving surgery). He began to purr loudly… God has placed this beautiful, but sick animal in my care, and I have learned so much from him about love, hope, and the fragility of life…
TWO CATS BLUE Original Art Greeting Card
One of Cat’s original works of art.
The gray light of day streaming through the window, suddenly became infused with sun, and lit up the cat’s white fur, and made the rosary sparkle. There was a clear glass bowl of water on the floor nearby, and it became animated in the brilliant light. The colors of the peach flowers and deep green of the rug reflected vibrantly in the water, and I could see the moving branches of trees outside of the window, mirrored and dancing in the water too.
There were also some white shapes in the water, reflected from something in the room, and they almost looked like wings, white wings hugging the clear glass dish. 
Ok, so I have a creative imagination… maybe…
I then put my new rosary in my pocket… the dog needed to be walked, so I set out to do that…
I was a half a block from home when I ran into a friend who lives a few blocks away, who I had not seen in awhile. She was walking her two little Chihuahuas, and was actually on her way to my house with a gift for me. It was a book and meditation CD that she found helpful,l and thought I might too. I showed her the Fatima rosary, and told her about the Blessings Go Round. And she told me that she had just sent me an email before she had left the house, and that I should check my email inbox when I got home.
So when I got home with my new rosary, and the gift from my friend, I went to check my email. My friend had sent the email at exactly at the same time that I was contemplating the reflections and wing-like shapes in the water bowl. The email was entitled “Blessings” and it said You have received this angel because you at some point in life have been an angel. No one saw your wings but they felt your love.”  There is a drawing of 2 white wings accompanying the email…
And one thing led to another… the meditation book/cd from my friend helped me tremendously, as did some music cds that I stumbled upon. I began listening to “Revelation Song” by Kari Jobe every time I went anywhere in my car, as well as 3 other tracts from another album, “Painted Red” by JJ Heller. ( “Save Me,” “Your Hands,” and “Painted Red”)
The words from “Your Hands” highlight my recent spiritual journey:
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn’t there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That you take my pain away…
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crooked lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine…
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
When you walked upon the earth
You healed the broken, lost and hurt
I know you hate to see me cry
One day you will set all things right
Yeah, one day you will set all things right
Your hands that shaped the world
Are holding me
They hold me still
And since I have had and prayed with the rosary, I have received comfort and enlightenment that have strengthened me. I have had many lessons in this short time. I have learned to be the receiver of help, prayers, and love… to be vulnerable and in need… and as I gain strength and move forward and reclaim my ability to stand without aid, I will not forget my pain and desperation… I will not forget the crushing weight… And I am so glad for relief… My heart has grown and I can offer help, prayers, and love to others facing the challenges of life. My compassion springs from that place of knowing, of having lived there myself…
During my time with the rosary a friend was diagnosed with cancer, and many people around me struggled with their own challenges… We may not understand fully why we must endure these trials, and people without faith may just view them as the cruelty of life, but I do believe that our souls expand and grow through all of the pain… When each of us is vulnerable and hurting, those of us who are strong can offer tremendous aid through gesture and through prayer. We all take turns in both of these roles… being the supporter, and being in need of support… we ARE all connected… I can feel it, and it is real…
I intuitively knew when it was time to pass on the rosary… And a note to the person who is receiving my rosary: I wrapped the rosary with my business card because the photo on the card is of a little owl friend of mine who died while I had the rosary. He still has wings, but now he is an angel…
And I thank God for the great gift of connection with animals and nature. Your hand is so evident in these beautiful, living works… But I am sad that for many, the beauty and perfection go unnoticed… You speak to me through nature and I wish that everyone could hear what I hear… 
PICK YOUR SIX Original Art / Photo Greeting Cards ( 6 Pack )
Note cards featuring Cat’s original art.
I wanted to mention that Cat emailed me privately with more information that she rather keep private … but I assure you her story as told was not the end.
~~~~Thank you Cat for your dedication to this initiative and allowing miracles to manifest through your belief. God bless you and yours. I too prayed on that rosary before I sent it to you requesting the most benevolent blessings to manifest for you. You have received divine enlightenment and miracles indeed.~~~~


Thank you for stopping by and sharing in Cat’s personal experience. Have a most blessed day!



I am an angel. An inspiring story based on real life events.

Guardian Angels Hand Painted Tanks by Anna Pereira

One day when I was walking about spreading my blessings, the devil came up behind me. He saw my big beautiful wings and was so envious. He tried to rip them off, but only got aways with a few feathers. You see, as he reached for my divine wings, that have been given to be by God himself, coming from a  sacred source, and the devil from evil, he was cut by them. My feathers cut him like razors as his intention to touch me was to do me harm. Those few I lost did hurt, but they grew back. The scars the devil bears from reaching for such opulence out of envy, to take what was not intended for him, will be with him forever.

I saw a child that was in need of comfort and nourishment of the spirit. I wrapped my wings around him and calm, peace and love filled the child. My wings were soft and silken to the touch of the child. Wrapping him in magnificent bliss.

Being an angel is not an easy task. Sometimes I get hurt through the process of identifying evil. The child could have been the devil in disguise, but never do I give up doing good and giving when I can for the benefits of joy and gratitude far outweight a temporary pain.

This metaphoric story is based on a real life inspiration of people who I have encountered in life. Be vigilant of those who try to walk with you. Always be giving and bless those around you. Know that not all who are the intended recipient of your blessings appreciate them and they may even hurt you after you were so giving.

Practice love and forgiving. Be grateful for the power you have to be full of strength and inspiration. Keep giving and shining your light where it is dark. Grace and positive spirit will always keep you strong.

Blessings Go Round is more than my blog to inspire you through visual content, it is intended to inspire you spiritually. I have purchased 10 rosary necklaces from Fatima Portugal and have sent them to ten willing custodians who are praying on them and connecting with spirit. Would you like to join us? The waiting list has started and if you would like to join ‘Blessings Go Round the Initiative’ then please see the very first post in my blog:


GREAT NEWS! Friday will be my first report on miracles that manifested for Cat P. in WI, USA. Please watch for Friday’s post to read a magnificent story as told by her of her experience with her Fatima rosary. Truly inspiring.

My signature T shirt design 'Blessed'

My ‘Blessings Go Round’ initiative strives to create a profound and hopefully life changing experience for those who participate. For those of you who read my blog for inspiration or to figure out your path, I hope the information I provide as well as the inspiring true life accounts of the individuals who prayed on the rosaries to be thought-provoking and instill more belief in you for faith, gives you personal strength and enlightenment in your daily life.

If you come from a place (in your mind/spirit) where you are so detached from spirituality, believing in a higher power, or that you have the power to have all that you want, then my blog may seem far-fetched and a nice little attempt to spread a religious message.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, ‘Blessings Go Round’ the initiative is about praying on a rosary obtained from the very ‘religious’ Fatima, Portugal. And yes, the prayers on the rosary are based in Catholicism. However, I am not here to ‘bible thump’ or preach through a religious perspective. I am just trying to make you aware of your inner voice, a higher power and that YOU have the power to bless. As I mentioned, what prayers and how you pray with the rosary are up to you.

If you find this as ‘mumbo jumbo’ this is not your time. If you are not open to receiving miracles or to think that you can create all your heart’s desires for you, your loved ones and the world around you, then this is not for you. I speak to those of faith, those with an open mind and those who are at a point where ‘something has to change’. I also speak to those who a aware of how true the words I write are and who are aware of the power of prayer… their prayers… therefore, the power to bless.

If you are a believer in the divine, God and the super energy that exists, then you do believe that this energy is in us. God exists in all of us. We and God are one. If this is true, then we have the power to bless. Have you been asked ‘please pray for me/my mom/my dad/my child (etc.) they are in need of a miracle’? Most of us have, at some point, been asked to pray. Even on the news during a tragic event they say to pray.  Why do you think this is? Because we have the power to bless.  As a sidenote: The act of prayer is not religious. It’s meditative and attaches you divine energy. Who you pray to and how you pray may or may not be attached to different religious beliefs.

You don’t have to be Jesus, or anyone anointed by any church as a saint, or even see with your eyes something tangible like turning water into wine or making the blind see, to know you are powerful. Your words, thoughts and actions all create energy that can be positive or negative. You are powerful. You can spread blessings.

A blessings in motion stays in motion! Keep the energy flowing and always give thanks and have gratitude for everything in your life. Pray on the positive. Invite joy, love and abundance to flow into you, through you and to those around you.

Pray for mankind that we may be at peace and for the Earth that there is always balance. Be the vessel for bliss through glorious blessings 🙂

Become a strong link in the chain of blessings … If you would like to join this initiative, please read the first post…and by all means read the entire blog too 🙂


Blessed Art Belt Buckle by Anna Pereira

My friends and family ask me .. ‘so what is your blog about’ or rather ‘what are you trying to achieve?’ The most humorous question I received was ‘so, how are you going to make money with that?’ … LOL … Make money … Funny how when we get an inspiration and go with it because we feel we need to do it … so many have seemingly odd questions to what you feel is completely natural. 

I was inspired to do this ‘blog’ because it is and initiative.  A ‘pay it forward or PRAY it forwad’ initiative if you will. This blog is only a means of spreading the initiative, not for being a blog in and of itself. Although, if you choose to be part of ‘Blessings Go Round’ the movement, activly participating or not, I hope blog content will be inspiring or at least entertaining to you. 🙂

This will be the chronicle of blessings and miracles that people around the world will experience through being a part of this initiative. I even find it hard saying ‘my’ initiative because I feel like my inspiration is not owned by me, I am merely the custodian for now, of this initiative.

Many people are inspired but don’t know how to put into action their inspiration. My inspiration came to me while driving in the car with my husband and I knew exactly what to do. I was driving through Portugal (my second home now) and said ‘when we go to Fatima I have to get 10 rosaries so people can pray on them and pass them on’ my husband (being my biggest fan and supporter) was like ‘of course honey’ (he’s awesome, BTW, and gets me) no questions asked, really… Just accepted it and then said it was a great idea (awww … love him!)

So there you have it. This blog is about  making miracles … because miracles are ‘money baby!’  After all, can money make you happy? Yes, but not always. Can miracles make you happy? Yes. Always.

If you would like to join the initiative or want to learn more, please read my first post:


What game was it that we played as kids … Person Place or Thing, right? When you described something and someone had to guess… Anyway I wanted to talk about God.

One of the big questions is ‘Who is God?’ ‘What does God look like?’ ‘Is God a man or woman?’ Isn’t that funny? I think these questions are so funny.  Isn’t that why we have Jesus? He is the son of God since God couldn’t be here in a physical human form. My idea of what God is, is not man or woman. We have given God a face in art, paintings and images so we as humans can associate ‘God’ to being an actual something. It’s too abstract to say God is energy… that God is in everything… every cell of everything everywhere. God is the essence of life. Even where nothing exists to the naked eye, something is there that will start life.

As well as starting life, things are kept in balance by God. God is an energy that creates. To create, things needs to be destroyed sometimes. To create a painting a white canvas is no longer a white canvas. If the earth didn’t change, dinosaurs would still be here. The earth is living and constantly evolving and we are here for just a blip. I don’t know what God has planned for this planet, solar system, universe or beyond. This is why Jesus was sent here to be the custodian of the people and earth. Filled with divine inspiration to help us be better people to each other and to this plant so God would be happy, proud and find us worthy enough to let us rent space on his divine creation for another day. To create a positive energy and balance among the humans, animals and plants. From God’s mouth to Jesus’ ears, he led the way for us to understand how to be worthy of taking care of this magnificent creation for the creator, God. Of course this is but one part of the role and relationship of how I see Jesus and God, others would sum up Jesus as ‘he died for our sins’ but I’m not getting into that right now.

So in short, my perspective of God is something as small as a nano-particle that if you divided it into a million bazillion pieces, God would still exist in it;  God is also bigger than our universe times a million bazillion.  Now I have a headache … LOL … I’m not smart enough to get so philosophical nor am I a physicist! Especially at 4:54 am ….

And a little more to think about, the most intelligent of the scientific community believed in God … no matter which direction you take your ‘worship’ or ‘faith’ in …all roads lead back to God. Check out http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/sciencefaith.html if you care to see the list of some rather famous peeps from the scientific community…

How are you feeling today? Grateful? Lost? Seeking your purpose? Are you looking for answers or to just spread positives vibes because YOU are so blessed and wish for the rest of mankind to feel as blessed as you? Would you like to join Blessings Go Round? We would love your energy to be part of the initiative 🙂 So as I always post the link back to my first post, here it is:

Receive a rosary, pray and pass it on: https://blessingsgoround.wordpress.com/2011/02/23/introduction-to-blessings-go-round-how-to-receive-a-rosary-from-fatima/

A Personal Interpretation of a Saint

Enjoy my original one of a kind art belt buckle with Mary and Jesus

I know many religions have Christian a roots but are so diverse but have one thing in common, Jesus being the way to salvation and heaven. I don’t study religion and as I said before not a fan of any one school of religion that I personally whole heartedly embrace in which I practice, but consider myself Catholic but more spiritual. I hope you catch my drift 🙂 It’s complicated… Anyway I know many religions who see Jesus as the savior do not accept saints or other ‘idols’ as part of what they worship because Jesus is the top banana and the only way. I agree that Jesus is the way to heaven but I also believe in saints and other important, at one time, mortals that have proven their divine gifts while on this earth as being part of a special circle of divinely blessed folks who are now Saints.

To explain myself, because I have found people who do not believe in saints and find it almost blasphemous to ‘worship’ anyone other than Jesus, here is how I break it down; Jesus is like the President and Saints are like the people directly under him who can get him the message for something specific. I can explain this as if it were a company. Jesus is the CEO and if you are having an issue with getting your products from a company you want to speak to the head of the logistics or warehouse division – because no one is helping you in customer service and the CEO can’t take every call that comes in. Get it? So I pray to certain saints for certain reasons (since they are the head of the division) and they can help to deliver my message or ‘understand’ my issue because it’s their job, so it gets resolved.

Also, I have discussed Mary (Jesus’ mother) with a few people and don’t really understand how some religions see Jesus as ‘the way’ but see Mary as almost a no one or her mother Anne. That kinda blows my mind since it’s Jesus’ mom and grandma, how can they not be holy and divine?

This is just a little brief way I try to explain what the role of a saint is or who they are when people don’t understand what they are, in my own personal way. Kind of basic and not meant to be over though, but by no means to understate the real life miracles and benevolence they have shown during their life on earth.

How are you feeling today? Grateful? Lost? Seeking your purpose? Are you looking for answers of to just spread positives vibes because YOU are so blessed? Would you like to join Blessings Go Round? We would love your energy to be part of the initiative 🙂 So as I always post the link back to my first post, here it is:

 Receive a rosary, pray and pass it on: https://blessingsgoround.wordpress.com/2011/02/23/introduction-to-blessings-go-round-how-to-receive-a-rosary-from-fatima/

Prayer Works ~ It Doesn’t Have To Be About Religion … So true!

Today I received a report of one account that one of the rosaries has been working already! I know this, you probably know that prayer works but to receive confirmation from someone who is participating in Blessings Go Round, after a week, to feel the miracles, is astonishing and blessed news. I am delighted that I have received such positive news so soon!

I have started my waiting list as well. All 10 rosary beads have been shipped off to their new homes until their temporary custodians are finished and move on to the next person to bring them divine blessings.

Pray for yourself, for loved ones, for the sake of mankind. Pray in gratitude pray for benevolence. Pray for peace, assistance, answers… Prayer, in my opinion, works. You do not need to be a religious person! You can use this as an opportunity to find your path. Just pray.

Join us and receive a rosary, pray and pass it in. You will be a part of this chain of pay it forward energy creating positive shifts in your life as well as others. Trust in prayer, miracles do happen… you must have faith and believe.

Please see my first post on how to be part of Blessings Go Round:


Life is truly beautiful! Please enjoy some of my artwork inspired by my appreciation of my blessings … ‘Life is Beautiful’.


Well all 10 rosary bead chains have been claimed and 5 have been mailed out, the other 5 will go out at the end of this week. I am so happy that this initiative to pray and pass on the blessings is being so well received! It is heartwarming and a true testament of faith that people want to improve their own lives as well as those of others – perhaps even of strangers. What a blessing!


Please see my first post. I am beginning my list of who will receive the rosaries once the people who have them now have completed with their time with them.

Even if you do not participate in this initiative, please pray. Right now, pray for the wellbeing of the world, those suffering and those especially in Japan. Being safe in your home, with a bed at night and food at your fingertips, fresh wather and even the luxury of having a bathroom to use, we sometime take forgranted the blessings that surround us. Give thanks.


~~~Have a most Blessed day!~~~


A rosary will go to PA & NJ … Looks like I have 4 remaining to distribute 🙂 It is a wonderful feeling that so many people want to make a positive change for themselves as well as others in the world through prayer and faith. It is so easy to be happy and blessing I wish everyone can see this …. and put into practice gratitude and keep on receiving blessing.

Please join us in ‘Blessings Go Round’ My first post has all you need to receive a rosary and be part of this divine and inspiring mission we are on.