Tag Archive: enlightenment

I read an article today suggesting how to speak to a little girl. The editor sited epidemics at young ages regarding obsessions for being thin and the importance society places on beauty as being important which leads to negative trends in younger and younger children.

Happiness is... balance and confidence. Practice having these attributes in your life. Instill them in those you love.

This was a short article and how she spoke to a little girl was not the typical; instead of complimenting her on her adorable little self, the editor asked her what she was reading and got into reading a book with her. Basically instilling that reading was important and totally deflecting any interest or attention to her physical self and being a ‘cutie patootie’. 

I have mentioned a few times that life is about balance. Every child and adult wants to feel special. Outward appearance is important in society and being well-groomed and having manners are as important as being bright and educated.. I think. 

At a dinner party, do you want to sit next to someone who has the solutions to the world’s problems with bad B.O., sloppy, boogies hanging out of their nose, spitting while they speak, or speaking loudly and interrupting you … without any social etiquette?

Why wouldn’t you give someone a compliment on their appearance? Can’t you give a compliment on the appearance and also talk about books, intellect and how one carries oneself? This is where balance comes in.

Health equals happiness. To have physical health, mental health and spiritual health are the key ingredients in overall happiness.

If you are aware of who you are and steadfast in what you believe of yourself, under any circumstance, during any time, you will have confidence and strength.

We are human, we are weak, sad, sick, around negative people, etc. some times. But the stronger our value of ourself is, the more strength you will have when you are faced with times of being tested.

I know who I am. I am comfortable with myself. I am aware of my positive and not so positive attributes (which I work on) but at the end of the day and during times where I may have my confidence tested, I think about my core beliefs. I quickly get my confidence back and can carry on. I know I am intelligent and try to look and act my best … and that’s all I can do.

Practicing healthy ways of thinking and living on a daily basis creates this as a habit. This is reinforced by my ‘dressing up’ when I go out, knowing how to act and dress gives me confidence when I arrive where ever it is. I think it is important to give compliments of positive attributes regarding appearance, intellect and demeanor. This is balance and what everyone needs to have balance.

In closing, compliment that little girl on her adorable little self! Let her know how precious she is and also ask her what she is reading and what has she created lately. It’s all good.

By the way, I think that article is basically addressing American socially perceived views of perfection. In other cultures, if you do not achieve educationally or are the strongest in your tribe, etc. then that is what causes stress and a host of adolescent issue. I just wanted to point out, it is cultural as well as social what is seen as perfect and what causes issues among young and old(er).

Combating the ideals of society – correction – MEDIA driven society – is a battle. Do what you can for YOU, your loved ones and all you encounter to create positive energy, confidence and positive feelings of value and importance. This comes from everywhere; Spirit, mental, physical, attitude, etc. Reinforce the positive in all repects.

Thanks for reading … Have a blessed day 🙂

Want to create a healthier, happier world? This is not only a blog, but a group initiative to pray and pass on blessings! Read my first post to find out how you can get involved and be part of this mission to spread joy, blessings and love. Make a difference for YOU and the world:





Wet Pants

I received an email from my sister. You may have seen it before something about all the Susie’s in your life? Well I thought it was a cute way of illustrating a point. Give it a read. It’s sweet but the underlying message is significant and shows how you can be an instrument of peace and blessings for others. Have a blessed day!

With open eyes you will always see opportunities to help others. 🙂


Come with me to a third grade classroom….. There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a  puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.. It’s never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they’ll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, ‘Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I’m dead meat.’

He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.

As the teacher is walking toward him, a class mate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy’s lap.

The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, ‘Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!’

Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out….. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else – Susie.
She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. You’ve done enough, you klutz!’

Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, ‘You did that on purpose, didn’t you?’ Susie whispers back, ‘I wet my pants once too.’

May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good..

Remember…..Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Each and
everyone one of us is going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the

This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let’s continue to pray for one another.
 The Prayer:
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy.. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where  there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.


This is not only a blog, but a group initiative to pray and pass on blessings! Read my first post to find out how you can get involved and be part of this mission to spread love and blessings:


Hello friends, I don’t like to mix politics with my inspirational blog, however the death of Bin Laden marking an epic event in world history has inspired me to deliver a message.

A new day is here ...


I would like to begin by saying the monster that cast devastation on this earth through his terroristic acts and those of his followers, not only on 9/11 but every day since, I am happy is dead. From the troops who fight the wars, to the families they have left behind to all of the bloodshed and families that cannot rest to changing the lives of innocent people on his own soil … so may lives lost, damaged and devastating impacts of epic proportions due to the insanity of one man’s mind who controlled so many others because of his insane views, opportunity to access funds combined with his high intellect; all used for evil intent which he let others to believe to be the right thing to do.

Osama Bin Laden was a devil on Earth. He had his way of convincing people to follow his lead by twisting a religion into a political and personal war to take over the world. People followed.

My message for today is to really find yourself. You never know when someone will walk into your life and try to brainwash you or have you thinking what they want you to believe for their personal agenda. Find your personal truth and remind yourself of it everyday.

As basic as believing in yourself to never give up and to follow the direction you feel is your path, if you are not in touch with a strong foundation of your beliefs of good and positive spirit, you may be persuaded to follow or believe in a perspective that may harm you or others.

If you see someone in your life, a teen, an adult, a person in despair that has seemed to lost hope due to disappointments, reach out to them and let them know they are strong and can overcome. People in a desperate situation are the most vulnerable to have their mind infiltrated by negativity and may possible be pursued into acts they would not ordinarily do.

Check yourself. Are you strong of spirit? Do you know your personal truth in the face of someone trying to convince you otherwise? This is so very important friends. People are around all the time who are jealous and have selfish motivations who will try to destroy you. Be vigilant and see who these people are and be strong of spirit to not allow them in your life. Similar to my post on toxic people, this self-serving, brain washing, manipulating type of person is the worst of the worst. Bin Laden, Hitler,… I am sure all that followed monsters like them, never thought they would be ‘brainwashed.’ I can and does happen.

I know it may be un-American and against my normal humane way of being, but this is my personal statement and I am sure most would agree; Thank you God for allowing the extermination of the disease formally known as Osama Bin Laden from this Earth. I am not proud to celebrate a death of a human, but he was a monster and THANK GOD he is dead.

Thank you to all the military personnel and support systems from all over the world who made this day possible. Thank you God.

If you are in need of finding your personal path or would like to pray to help the world to receive blessings, please read about the Blessings Go Round initiative and join us.


Have a most blessed day and remember you have the power to be and do anything. Exercise your strength of spirit to find yourself and always be on a path of guidance through positive inspiration. Beware of false prophets.

Enjoy my art! One of my one of a kind belt buckles featuring St Joseph and his prayer.

I find much of my inspiration comes from personal experience. After all, to convey some of my thoughts and ideas I most likely would have had to experience them to get a full understanding and express my thoughts through my own words to get a message to you from what I know and understand to ‘be’. 

I have mentioned before that the true undeniable fact of getting spiritually strong takes much practice. I have been praying and meditating for many years now. I am glad I started when I did, but knowing now what strength it has given me in so many areas of my life, I wish I started sooner. To pray, to get more ‘tuned in’ to the universe and God and all things spiritual gives you such a clear sense of what is important, how to proceed and where to turn to get guidance and help.

I was inspired to write about a frightening experience I had back in 2008 on a flight that had to have an emergency landing. We hear about emergency landings all the time. Many are a change in flight plans, something happening on board that causes a reroute like a medical emergency …. not many of them are a full on emergency situations in which the crew is so rattled, they can’t even speak and go through the emergency crash procedures with you. This was the kind of emergency landing I was in.

The cabin phone rang (I was in row 5). The flight attendant picked it up and turned white. Said a few words and hung up the phone trembling uncontrollably. Fumes filled the cabin and the announcements start … The attendants were going up and down the aisle “When we yell brace… Cross your hands in front of you clasping the seat or grab your knees.” In a panicked state the 2  attendants walked up and down the aisles repeating this over the course of the event about three times. I’m sure they were on auto drive, in a hyper sensitive state thinking this would never happen … The plane was surprisingly silent, except for a baby crying. It is remarkable to see how people react in extreme situations …. The hollywood version I’m sure would depict screaming and crying… and people demanding to know what is going on. But in real life, all was quite except for the repetition of the emergency drill from the attendants.

I don’t know what passengers were thinking. We were on the way to the Ft Lauderdale airport and had to land in the first airport right inside Florida from Newark. It was a good twenty-five minutes before we touched ground from the initial announcement. As soon as you can see the runway, fire trucks and ambulances lined the path awaiting our arrival. Although, at the time and judging by the panic in the faces of our attendants, we did not think we were going to arrive.

Through this ordeal, I remember as clear as it happened yesterday, I was thinking…’This is not happening. This is not happening today. It’s not the time. I have a future ahead of me and I have kids that I’m going to have and my whole life did not include this in it’s plans.’ I just close my eyes and breathed. People around me were crying silently and I’m sure …. praying. I knew this was not going to happen to me today. I told the woman next to me it is OK all is going to be fine.

Well, we landed and firemen entered the plane then they finally let us off after they checked the plane … no explanation… no direction. They said a bus would be waiting for us to take us to our destination.

Well, I was there for a business trip one day meeting and flying back to NJ that evening… They didn’t even give us the option to board another carrier to finish our flight. Well, that was me and my hostility of this event ….

My point in sharing this with you was during the actual event, I knew in my heart that I had more to do here and my mission was not completed.

I knew my guidance and direction. My purpose and mission were concrete in my soul. If I had not prayed and built my spiritual core up, what would I have clung too at this time of extreme fear?

People were in the terminal crying and on the floor on their knees, punching the wall … this in fact was a very near death experience for many people that lasted almost a half an hour.

I am grateful to the pilots who got us on the ground safely, but for the crew who was aware of the seriousness and could not control their primal fear of the possibility of dying that day, made me feel horrible for those who were not ready for this in their lives.

Are you prepared to face the unknown? You think you have issues on the daily basis. Bills, small health issues, family and friend issues… Are you dealing with an unexpected extreme event? Do you feel helpless… I mean HELPLESS? Being on a plane in the middle of the sky and you’re not driving, that’s prime ‘helpless’ right there sister/brother! If you do feel helpless one day, how will you handle it? I know that my foundation through prayer, faith and believing that my future would be what I had envisioned it to be, was the rock. My belief in God delivering me the blessings that he instilled in my heart through my faith,was my hope that got me through that event.

Since I don’t consider myself a writer, I just supply you with my inspirations… My vocabulary cannot convey the ‘peaceful terror’ of this situation. The fact that a plane that was two-thirds full was quiet and calm cannot illustrate (by hollywood standards) the sheer terror that possessed the passengers this day and perhaps for long after.

Well, that’s my story. Even writing this I got real shook up and started to cry. I was scary indeed. Thankfully I know God and I have faith. So my other everyday issues are a breeze. Nothing is permanent. Solutions exist. Life goes on. My day can be filled with gratitude or complaining about what I don’t have. The choice is mine. I decided that day that I was going to arrive safely. I did.

This is not only a blog, but a group initiative to pray and pass on blessings! Read my first post to find out how you can get involved and be part of this mission to spread love:


Welcome to my first post about the travels of the Fatima rosary beads. Ten rosaries have been sent out to people all over the country by requests I received. Each week I hope to bring to you personal experiences of individuals who pray on a Fatima rosary (as part of the Blessings Go Round initiative to make the world a more blessed place through prayer.) I am honored to bring this to you and hope you enjoy reading about real people’s experiences and their spiritual journey with a Fatima rosary. Information is at the bottom of this post on how you can pray on one of the rosaries and pass on to another person. 
I would like to introduce you to from Cat in WI. Some of you may already be familiar with her, knowing her as CatCanPaint.  http://www.etsy.com/shop/catcanpaint I was so honored that Cat was a part of Blessings Go Round the rosary and prayer initiative. Not only because of her deep spiritual beliefs in miracles, but her openness and turning to this opportunity for seeking more guidance as she worked through some complicated issues in her life. Please enjoy viewing her original artwork as you read her story.
 This is Cat. She is radient 🙂
I asked Cat for a brief ‘Who Am I’ bio: I have always loved animals, and because of that became a vegetarian many decades ago. I am in my 50’s, and am experiencing what I would call a “return to who I am” or a “re-discovery” or a genuine understanding of my inner nature, the paths I have taken, and those I have not, and maybe why…
Being a vegetarian, I got little support and felt that my individual efforts didn’t matter much in making changes for the animals. Then in a Rip Van Winkle moment, my oldest daughter announced that she was going vegan, and I was transported back all those decades, feeling those same strong feelings again.
I also dropped dairy and egg from my diet. And much to my total surprise, several serious health conditions that I had cleared up completely, including the pain of osteoarthritis.
So now I am vegan, and somewhat of an armchair activist for the animals. And though I became vegan for ethical reasons, I am learning about the nutritional advantages.
And the veterinarian thing… I had at one time wondered if I had messed up and had missed my calling, but I now realize that this desire sprung from my love and connection to animals, and that the business aspect of such a career would have made working in this capacity impossible for me. At the vet I overheard a conversation about a dog that had to be turned away because the owner could not afford to pay… If I were a veterinarian I could never turn anyone away for lack of money… so had I become one, I would undoubtedly been a bankrupt one…
And, at least for myself, I can see that all the gifts that I was given by God, were all there in the early years… the person that I am today, is who I have always been, though my soul has grown in understanding, and my compassion widened, through all the experiences and trials along the way.
I believe in non-violence, am a great admirer of the writings of Fr. John Dear (Jesuit priest) Here is my favorite quote of Fr. Dear’s:
“If we care for the earth, we must end both corporate greed and extreme poverty. As we make these connections, we will deepen our spiritual understanding of reality and see everything as a spiritual issue, a life-and-death issue. We are not allowed to destroy the Creator’s creation; we are not allowed to wreak such havoc on the earth or on God’s children. We are called to practice nonviolence in every aspect of life.”  ~Fr. John Dear “Put Down Your Sword”
I am also a mother (of five), an artist, and a volunteer raptor handler. I do believe that one day everything will be restored as God created it, and the lion will lie down with the lamb… and I can’t wait for this wonderful day…
Now that you have gotten to know the woman, here is the story of her experience with the Fatima rosary in her own words: 
I have been struggling with what to write… I am currently experiencing a very rough patch in my life right now, very rough, probably the roughest so far… struggling with a lot of things… but the personal details (because it would take a lot of explaining and background) are probably not as significant (to others) as the results of my spiritual discoveries, after receiving the Fatima rosary.
I don’t recall if the tsunami in Japan hit just before I got the rosary or shortly after… but that whole scenario certainly dwarfs my personal troubles… and I cried every time I turned on the TV, powerless too help, other than sending love and prayers to all affected by this disaster…
And some people may wonder how God lets things like this happen, but I do know that all who struggle and suffer are blessed with growth in spirit, and they do find God’s arms wrapping around them. And I was so touched and amazed at the strength of the Japanese people… waiting in line for hours to get food rations without complaining, selflessly helping each other and the ones most in need of attention. There was a Japanese couple highlighted on one of the news programs–they were hurriedly repairing  their damaged home so that they could then move on to help their neighbors…
I remember Anna asking me which rosary I wanted, and I knew that it did not matter, and that any one that she sent would be wonderful. Secretly, I was hoping for the dark blue one, though (I don’t know why, other than I liked the depth of it’s color).
As I opened the package I felt a chill, like a flu-like chill throughout my body. It was very real, and very odd, because I was sitting right by a heating vent in my home that was blowing warm air on me at that very moment.
The rosary was light blue, and beautiful…
I held it in my hands and inspected it… Inscribed on the little medallion was “terra de fatima”… earth of Fatima…
My sick kitty was sleeping at the windowsill, and I pressed the earth of Fatima on the bare skin of his back where the fur had been shaved off months before, but had not grown back (the place where his pain patch had been placed after a lifesaving surgery). He began to purr loudly… God has placed this beautiful, but sick animal in my care, and I have learned so much from him about love, hope, and the fragility of life…
TWO CATS BLUE Original Art Greeting Card
One of Cat’s original works of art.
The gray light of day streaming through the window, suddenly became infused with sun, and lit up the cat’s white fur, and made the rosary sparkle. There was a clear glass bowl of water on the floor nearby, and it became animated in the brilliant light. The colors of the peach flowers and deep green of the rug reflected vibrantly in the water, and I could see the moving branches of trees outside of the window, mirrored and dancing in the water too.
There were also some white shapes in the water, reflected from something in the room, and they almost looked like wings, white wings hugging the clear glass dish. 
Ok, so I have a creative imagination… maybe…
I then put my new rosary in my pocket… the dog needed to be walked, so I set out to do that…
I was a half a block from home when I ran into a friend who lives a few blocks away, who I had not seen in awhile. She was walking her two little Chihuahuas, and was actually on her way to my house with a gift for me. It was a book and meditation CD that she found helpful,l and thought I might too. I showed her the Fatima rosary, and told her about the Blessings Go Round. And she told me that she had just sent me an email before she had left the house, and that I should check my email inbox when I got home.
So when I got home with my new rosary, and the gift from my friend, I went to check my email. My friend had sent the email at exactly at the same time that I was contemplating the reflections and wing-like shapes in the water bowl. The email was entitled “Blessings” and it said You have received this angel because you at some point in life have been an angel. No one saw your wings but they felt your love.”  There is a drawing of 2 white wings accompanying the email…
And one thing led to another… the meditation book/cd from my friend helped me tremendously, as did some music cds that I stumbled upon. I began listening to “Revelation Song” by Kari Jobe every time I went anywhere in my car, as well as 3 other tracts from another album, “Painted Red” by JJ Heller. ( “Save Me,” “Your Hands,” and “Painted Red”)
The words from “Your Hands” highlight my recent spiritual journey:
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn’t there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That you take my pain away…
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crooked lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine…
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
When you walked upon the earth
You healed the broken, lost and hurt
I know you hate to see me cry
One day you will set all things right
Yeah, one day you will set all things right
Your hands that shaped the world
Are holding me
They hold me still
And since I have had and prayed with the rosary, I have received comfort and enlightenment that have strengthened me. I have had many lessons in this short time. I have learned to be the receiver of help, prayers, and love… to be vulnerable and in need… and as I gain strength and move forward and reclaim my ability to stand without aid, I will not forget my pain and desperation… I will not forget the crushing weight… And I am so glad for relief… My heart has grown and I can offer help, prayers, and love to others facing the challenges of life. My compassion springs from that place of knowing, of having lived there myself…
During my time with the rosary a friend was diagnosed with cancer, and many people around me struggled with their own challenges… We may not understand fully why we must endure these trials, and people without faith may just view them as the cruelty of life, but I do believe that our souls expand and grow through all of the pain… When each of us is vulnerable and hurting, those of us who are strong can offer tremendous aid through gesture and through prayer. We all take turns in both of these roles… being the supporter, and being in need of support… we ARE all connected… I can feel it, and it is real…
I intuitively knew when it was time to pass on the rosary… And a note to the person who is receiving my rosary: I wrapped the rosary with my business card because the photo on the card is of a little owl friend of mine who died while I had the rosary. He still has wings, but now he is an angel…
And I thank God for the great gift of connection with animals and nature. Your hand is so evident in these beautiful, living works… But I am sad that for many, the beauty and perfection go unnoticed… You speak to me through nature and I wish that everyone could hear what I hear… 
PICK YOUR SIX Original Art / Photo Greeting Cards ( 6 Pack )
Note cards featuring Cat’s original art.
I wanted to mention that Cat emailed me privately with more information that she rather keep private … but I assure you her story as told was not the end.
~~~~Thank you Cat for your dedication to this initiative and allowing miracles to manifest through your belief. God bless you and yours. I too prayed on that rosary before I sent it to you requesting the most benevolent blessings to manifest for you. You have received divine enlightenment and miracles indeed.~~~~


Thank you for stopping by and sharing in Cat’s personal experience. Have a most blessed day!



We must all be more conscious and aware of how blessed we are and to practice blessing others. This will heal the world.

Enjoy your day 🙂

I baked a cake yesterday. I mixed my batter, poured it in the pan and popped it in the oven. As soon as I closed the door it was done … Like I waved a magic wand! Do you believe me? Of course not.

As with most posts I like to include a little something to look at, usually that I made. Here were my 2010 Christmas cookies 🙂 A challenge to make in Portugal. Note to self – Bring more cookie cutters from NJ 🙂

This applies to our prayers and miracles. Miracles move at the speed of … well, miracles! 🙂 Sometime you are answered right away sometimes they take time.

I can assure you if you pray on something long enough there will be resolve. During your time of prayer you will have obstacles, questions and answers. This process will be leading to the miracles manifesting. We have to go through changes to live the miracle we seek. Just like the cake needs to bake. Changes are happening … liquid turning to fluffy solid … oozy batter becoming yummy cake.

You are becoming what you want by praying for it. You may kick and scream and not understand sometimes. Like physically working out, it hurts when you are out of shape but once you arrive to a healthy body, working out feels awesome. Your spirit is the same…. (which reminds me .. I need to get on that! Thanks Christmas cookies!)

Unfortunately for us, we have worldly desires that guide us to what we think we want, however it may not always be the best. Did you ever hear the phrase ‘Thank God for unanswered prayers?’ I’m sure if you look back on your life so many things have changed what you want to have, be, live like … and some of what you thought you wanted you may be super thankful that you never received. (Word up! I am proof of this.)

You are a constant project for God and the universe. He wants you to be the best you can be. You must sometimes be broken to learn the value of something or learn some other lessons before you are where you want to be. Have faith, because God wants you to be happy and have miracles manifest. Keep believing in yourself, and have faith that anything is possible.

After years and years of praying for what I thought I wanted … boy oh boy it was a lot of praying … One day I was inspired to give up my ‘ideas’ of what I wanted and pray for the most benevolent circumstances to have love, success and happiness. Pure happiness.

My heart knows what makes me happy. In fact, the base of who you as a person are, is your passion and your desires, right? So if I can’t find the words, or if my heart knows better than me what makes me happy, I asked it be delivered… and guess what … it was. In magnificent, glorious abundance. *So Blessed*

No I didn’t hit the mega millions 😉 But I did hit the lottery of life. Only one being out there for me and we were guided to each other. He, in his space was looking for the same. I opened my mind and spirit up to receiving the miracles and blessings as God wanted me to have the happiness I sought … without my specifics attached. The miracles manifested. Now my husband and I have the lives we both sought … It truly is nothing short of amazing.

If you can open your mind to putting what you truly ‘desire’  into your heart and spirit asking for your miracles, they will happen. Don’t be surprised if the miracles are more magnificent than you could have imagined! After all, this is the point … be limitless in what you ask. You will receive. When you ask for *specific blessings you limit yourself. God will work out the details. Focus on the big picture. Happiness? Love? Health? *What I mean about ‘specific’ is asking for  a man/woman with ‘x’ colored hair ‘x’ tall’ in ‘x’ shape with ‘x’ bank account ‘x’ education etc. Just ask for ‘your true love.’

Me and my Prince 🙂

To sum it up I asked > No one fulfilled > I asked why no one was giving me what I wanted > I was told what I was asking for was not good for me > I was redirected through enlightenment to request the bare bones, deepest desire of pure happiness and love.  No expectations, no fine print > Miracles manifested in more abundance than I could have asked for with my prior ‘small minded’ thinking. I brought to me through the divine my blessings. I had to be guided to him and him to me once I gave up the specifics.

The power of prayer is amazing. Pray for you, pray for your loved ones, pray for the world. Blessings Go Round has an initiative of praying on a rosary and passing it on to another person. Would you like to join Blessings Go Round the initiative? If you have gratitude for your blessing or need a little guidance on your path, you will benefit. If today is the day that YOU felt you needed to do something positive for your spirit, maybe it was no coincidence you read this 🙂 Please see this post (link below) to get the details. Ten rosary beads are out and about as soon as someone is done praying on it, and you are on the list, you will be sent a rosary. After you are done, send it to the next person … The power of prayer!


Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my blog. Have a most blessed day!

I had a deep meditation once. In fact it was my very first attempt at meditation on my own. I have always been the type of person to have a wandering mind, that’s why I normally don’t find the joy in reading other’s do since I can’t stay focused. Because of this I always thought I would never be able to meditate and clear my mind of everything… I thought it would be impossible since I am always thinking creatively and my mind doesn’t stop.

Fashion and art meet. My signature design 'Blessed'. Enjoy my handpainted tank top as you read my inspiring post. Thank you

A friend of mine had given me a tip to envision myself filling up with water and that would put me in a state of calm and relaxation. I tried this technique and it didn’t work. I had to imagine something tangible… For me, what did the trick, was to imagine an all white room with white furniture and a big glass window where all you could see was blue sky and a hallway … I guess this is the hall way that led to my visions.

I have only told a few people of this meditation I had some five or more years ago. It actually was my first real, concentrated attempt at meditating. After so much prayer work (prayer being meditative in itself) I wanted to move to the next level and really get divine messages and a clear path.

I didn’t go into my meditation with any expectation, just to know what lied ahead of me and my purpose … Was that generally specific enough? LOL You know, nothing major 😉 Well anyway, I lied down on my couch and got comfortable and I think my hands were at my sides, legs straight. So it began…

Once (and almost immediately) I began to relax and let go, like a movie, it started in my mind. It was more vivid than a thought, more like a dream. Very intense like you are actually there… for those of you who have dreams that feel like they are really happening, this is exactly like how it felt, but I was not asleep. It was like an in between dream and waking state.

The vision started with me in a room. It was blacker than black. The room was a shack that looked like a one room rustic old cottage in the middle of the woods that had been there forever.

My senses were shut off from receiving anything. I realized I had a blindfold on and I must remove it. Once I removed the blindfold, the room was pitch black and I wandered in circles looking for a way out . Not frantically, more so like when you know where you are and looking for a light switch, like I was milling about in the room. The truly extraordinary thing that happened to me was that I knew, I felt, that I was not alone in this room. I felt that some entity was shadowing my steps. In circles I went and there was someone, something, there following me silently but keeping distance.  I finally found a door and stepped out.

It seemed to be 4 or 5am in the middle of barren woods.  Imposing trees without leaves bowed into each other, like a scene from a scary fairy tale. Without a clear path I walked through the woods. This entity followed me some steps behind.

A path began in front of me as there began to be some dawn in the woods. This beginning of a path was covered with boulders and down trees. Like a really rough path in the woods. I had to hurdle and go around all of these ‘obsicles’. The entity followed. The obstacles got smaller and less frequent.

As the path became more cleared of these obstacles and began to become more of a straighter path, now with rocks and smaller debris on it, the trees also became more full of life with leaves and the sun was out like early to mid morning. This entity walked behind me still and closer and closer it got.

The trees and forest became bushes and hedges, the path was now dirt and clear of troublesome rocks, twigs and was clean underfoot with the exception of pebbles. The entity was walking next to me … I felt it.

I had this feeling to look back as now I was out of the woods. I wanted to look back but also felt that it didn’t matter at the same time. I felt like ‘Why look back?’ But at the same time I felt I needed to. I looked behind me and saw nothing. A wall of black and at my heels, nothing. I was standing on the edge of absolutely nothing behind me. Nothing above me. Nothing below me. nothing behind me. The spot I stood in was the beginning on my path and with each step more path developed, but only as much as I was being shown. I could not see ahead of me toa great distance, I was being shownjust enough. I felt the entity was no longer there next to me but maybe, in me? It had disappeared. This was all so surreal … yet felt very real.

I looked forward again and began to walk. The path still dirt and clear with just what you’d expect to see on a dirt road, little pebbles and such. On either side of me was tall grasses that became shorter and shorter until they were about three feet high. At this point a paved path was laid before me and it felt like late morning. This path was made of brick paving stones with that criss-cross pattern (as in real life I love tile and stone floors with the different shapes and patterns).

This paved path was divine. I felt so good walking on it. Both sides as far as I can see was this tall grass blowing in the breeze. The grass began to get shorter. After being on this path a while, a snake slithered out in front of me … I had to stomp on it and kill it … it’s what I had to do. I killed the snake picked it up and cast it aside.

I walked some more and a bunny hopped out in front of me. I bent down, picked it up, and helped it to the other side. I felt that (this is crazy, but this is what I felt) ‘In life you will encounter obstacles and you must deal with some in one way and others in another way. ‘ This is what I felt once I opened my eyes about this encounter.

After I put the bunny aside and he happily hopped into the grass, I started to walk and looked up in front of me. The most magnificent rainbow was in the distance. Glorious and colorful with the sun in perhaps the eleven o’clock position in the sky.

That’s it.

I opened my eyes and tears were streaming down my face. I didn’t know I was crying until I opened my eyes or how long this vision was going on during the time of having it.

This was my life.

My entire life in a vision. Maybe the rainbow will be my 2 pm moment? Maybe the end of my life? I did not know. The rainbow was a promise that all will be joyous and my life will be enraptured in magnificence . I know this for sure. 

As for the entity. Was it Jesus? Was it God himself? All I can tell you is that I knew this entity was the source of all purpose, calm and guidance; and I had to find myself before anyone could help me. I have to find my own strength and path before I could receive assistance or a ‘reinforcemnt ‘ from any other source. I am connected now. I found my way. This spiritual enlightenment was beyond words.

It took me a few years to digest this and rationalize this meditation and vision. It still teaches me things as I look back and recollect it.

I never had heard of anything like this before or read about it. One day when I was visiting a friend in a store called ‘Angel’s Touch’ in NJ (now it is closed) a very spiritual lady and dear friend M’Linda Kula showed me this book with a drawing of Jesus standing in front of a black wall, like in my vision. I was like ‘OMG!!’ as you can imagine. I shuddered to see MY vision in print … This was exactly what I saw, the wall of blackness … nothingness…emptiness. He was showing people to go to him, he was the way or that (the black wall)was the alternative. Nothingness. Not hell, with fire and demons. Just nothing …. Wow. This was weird.

So, friends I know this was a really long post and I left out details because my vision was so radiant and detailed it could be a book. It lasted about forty five minutes I recall.

You can conclude what you will … but this is what happened. And by the way, I did go back to this vision few weeks ago as I was being challenged with issues and knew that the only place to find answers was on this path… on MY path. And the rainbow was not the end of my life. I will tell you about that vision in another post.

Join the mission to pass blessings around the world. This is for you, if you are grateful and know you are blessed or are seeking some guidance to arrive at a spiritual place of positivity. My first post explain how to receive a rosary from Fatima Portugal (I sent 10 out and they are making their way from person to person) Join this initiative and find your path. https://blessingsgoround.wordpress.com/2011/02/23/introduction-to-blessings-go-round-how-to-receive-a-rosary-from-fatima/

Have a most blessed day. Thank you for visiting. Some of my posts are hard for me to share such intimate encounters, so I really hope they benefit you as this is the time I’m being told to share them. God bless.


My signature T shirt design 'Blessed'

My ‘Blessings Go Round’ initiative strives to create a profound and hopefully life changing experience for those who participate. For those of you who read my blog for inspiration or to figure out your path, I hope the information I provide as well as the inspiring true life accounts of the individuals who prayed on the rosaries to be thought-provoking and instill more belief in you for faith, gives you personal strength and enlightenment in your daily life.

If you come from a place (in your mind/spirit) where you are so detached from spirituality, believing in a higher power, or that you have the power to have all that you want, then my blog may seem far-fetched and a nice little attempt to spread a religious message.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, ‘Blessings Go Round’ the initiative is about praying on a rosary obtained from the very ‘religious’ Fatima, Portugal. And yes, the prayers on the rosary are based in Catholicism. However, I am not here to ‘bible thump’ or preach through a religious perspective. I am just trying to make you aware of your inner voice, a higher power and that YOU have the power to bless. As I mentioned, what prayers and how you pray with the rosary are up to you.

If you find this as ‘mumbo jumbo’ this is not your time. If you are not open to receiving miracles or to think that you can create all your heart’s desires for you, your loved ones and the world around you, then this is not for you. I speak to those of faith, those with an open mind and those who are at a point where ‘something has to change’. I also speak to those who a aware of how true the words I write are and who are aware of the power of prayer… their prayers… therefore, the power to bless.

If you are a believer in the divine, God and the super energy that exists, then you do believe that this energy is in us. God exists in all of us. We and God are one. If this is true, then we have the power to bless. Have you been asked ‘please pray for me/my mom/my dad/my child (etc.) they are in need of a miracle’? Most of us have, at some point, been asked to pray. Even on the news during a tragic event they say to pray.  Why do you think this is? Because we have the power to bless.  As a sidenote: The act of prayer is not religious. It’s meditative and attaches you divine energy. Who you pray to and how you pray may or may not be attached to different religious beliefs.

You don’t have to be Jesus, or anyone anointed by any church as a saint, or even see with your eyes something tangible like turning water into wine or making the blind see, to know you are powerful. Your words, thoughts and actions all create energy that can be positive or negative. You are powerful. You can spread blessings.

A blessings in motion stays in motion! Keep the energy flowing and always give thanks and have gratitude for everything in your life. Pray on the positive. Invite joy, love and abundance to flow into you, through you and to those around you.

Pray for mankind that we may be at peace and for the Earth that there is always balance. Be the vessel for bliss through glorious blessings 🙂

Become a strong link in the chain of blessings … If you would like to join this initiative, please read the first post…and by all means read the entire blog too 🙂



Enjoy my art as you read. 'Believe' one of a kind original art belt buckle by Anna Pereira

When I started to really figure out what I wanted in life, I realized I didn’t know what I wanted even more so than before. What I mean by this is, what I thought I wanted and what brought me what I wanted, fundamentally, were two different things. I thought I knew what to look for in a relationship, I had no idea. I thought I knew what success was, again, I had no idea. I thought I knew what happiness was, yet again, had no idea.

Once I started to pray, it was a journey. I began to pray about problems; Why do I have to go through this or that crisis, dilemma or ‘learning experience’. Why me? 

In my next ‘prayer phase’ I started to get inspirations and then began praying for the things I thought I wanted. That lasted a while too… like a few years… Then a momentus shift came. The life I had, had up until that time was one disappointment after another… in events, people and myself for making the wrong choices. I see now that I had to go through those events to get to where I am… But getting back to this ‘shift’… It hit me one day… STOP. Just stop. Stop wanting, stop asking. Too many questions … too many needs…too much trying to make sense. Just be thankful and then the answers will come. Appreciate more. Have gratitude. This was amazing to me. Once I broadened my needs to be something as simple as ‘I just want pure unlimited happiness in my life’ … BOOM! That was it.

The ‘shift’ I experienced allowed me to change the way I prayed. I began to pray for a happy relationship asking for a good, honorable man who loves me completely (and who is easy on the eyes 😉 ). I asked to feel the success that I know I deserve. I asked to be able to manifest joy in myself and other people. I asked for a feeling of calm and comfort as I am guided on my path. I asked for my relationship to be like a ‘team’ that my partner and I work together and help each other to be the best we can be. Do you know what? I have all that and more.

Life is a journey, and for the sake of keeping this short (I can go on and on) I will stop here. Just believe that you can be inspired, live in Joy, Love, Abundance and on the path to fulfillment. Just listen to what you are being told. Stop trying to fill yourself with what you think you want or ideals. Pray and listen. You will find your path. Believe.

If you have been on your personal journey or want to start today it is never too late. Also, consider joining my initiative to pray and pass on a rosary to help spread love and blessings around the world. Believe in the power of prayer. Click the link below to join us. The waiting list has started.
